Well- off we went back to Scotland but for a very different kind of holiday. A 'chain' Holiday Park whereby we stayed half board and had a huge fun pool onsite. We planned just to spend time swimming as a family and letting the kids try out some new activities. Hence the inflatable 'Skidoos' above- that TP was technically too small for- but absolutely loved.
The half board was basic but hot and plentiful and the kids loved the luxury of selecting what they wanted and I loved the luxury of not cooking or planning menus/picturing the contents of my fridge for a week.
We still had one day out and found a lovely Country Park near Kilmarnock where there was a farm trail and a pets corner, a small Armoury (with dressing up) and a fabulous Ford which ALL the boys of my family loved. We spent ages with this lovely horse and its donkey companions. The grass in the field was a little sparse but outside was some luxurient juicy long grass that they were delighted to hand feed from the childen- friends for life.
I think the highlight of SJs week- the Water Walkez- except he didnt feel he got a long enough go (am not sure that any length of time would have been 'long enough')- certainly something they dont get to do everyday. Also did Fencing, Handpaddlers, Archery, Football and SJ had a go on his first powered Go Kart (which he pronounced AWESOME)- a very big treat.
All in all a nice week- but am not sure we will repeat in the same way.....
Anyway back home and trying to get back into a bit of a routine- we have been reading a lot together- BeastQuest, Mr Majeika, Naughty Little Sister and soem fairy ballerina books for FI. Lots of Lego- TP is having real Eureka moments on his instruction following skills.
Have been swapping over summer to winter clothes (always a bigger job than I expect) and trying to be a little more hard hearted about what is not likely to fit next year. Trying to thin out a little ( as always it seems).....