Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Four years

 Who can comprehend how time flies?? How that little bundle of personality!!! turned into a handsome young boy- who will so soon be a young man...
You slotted right into the centre of the family and are so different from those before- yet so much that same. You are growing up fast and your language and observation of life around you are so apt (we need to work on tact and appropriateness this year!!)
Sooooo not ready for school even though your little peers are being marched off en masse.

I want the next year to be full of outdoor play, mud and experiments, finger painting, glue and creations, walking under trees and through leaves, puddle jumping and hot chocolates afterwards in dressing gowns. I will read you the Thomas story book (have just realised you don't know who Skarloey is).... but maybe it would be nice if you occasionally listened in a swimming lesson!

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