Tuesday, 30 October 2012


A Halloween spider from my little man- very proud! They seem to have gone a little Halloween mad this year- not sure why- maybe just a little more aware of things outside the house? So we have done Pumpkins and pumpkin bunting and mosaic pictures and mobiles and bats and colourings..... and  best of all....Halloween Camp (with Scouts/Cubs) -which all of them went to (which you are lumbered with when your parents are both the Cub leaders)- however TP thought it was marvellous and the bigger kids were fab with him- he was soooo spoiled even at the point where he was hung from a tree in his climbing harness and left to dangle!! Lots of party games and fun- a little (well actually quite a bit!) of 'candy' but not a trick or treat in sight- a few skeletons and lots of party food. Otherwise they got to have goes at Archery, Climbing and Abseiling, Black Hole Tunneling and SJ got a little go at Rifle shooting- which he was quite impressed with.
Not much sleep was had by all (including the Leaders)- 1 x vomiting cub at 0300 and most still awake at midnight on the first night and 2300 the second....
But the memories that are being laid down for all ( I look back very fondly on my Scouting/Guiding days).

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