Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Such a hectic schedule some days! Bless- TP is used to a 2 ish hour nap most days- then all of a sudden starts playgroup and some just get missed out! And then you get dragged onto 'after school' activities where you have to 'behave' for an hour. One of the slight drawbacks of HEing can be that some days you sepend half the day waiting to go out for the regular activities late afternoon- which inevitably means that tea ends up being a huge rush-but thats the price of trying to leave weekends free.
The start of a Chinese New Year mini theme week. Doesn't particularly look like it but this was a fairly cleverly folded origami fish-however we got slightly carried away with the cutting and sticking- such that some of the origami-ness of the original piece was lost! Need to decide where we are taking this further.....

Felicity's beautiful felted necklace- made at the last forest school session. As usual with these things (having 'given notice' of intention to quit)- they had the best session and made us quaver in having made our choice- but it was costing the best part of £30/day plus lengthy car journey plus was a total nightmare if TP was there we'll see if other Forest opportunities arise that are either cheaper or nearer to home....
Local HE events have gone bonkers- I think everyones new year resolution must have been to organise some activities- we are having clashes and am actively rejecting stuff as I am concerned about balance. We were to have done a science session last week- but chicken pox came to visit instead (x1)- so have the potential delightful prospect of the other 2 going down next weekish.
Have been having some ponderings re our approach to HE recently- maybe will try to do another post over the next couple of days- have so many posts that I plan that never come off- something else eats the time and the 'jobs list' seems neverending and I need to squeeze in one or two early nights. Chicken pox meant a little lady co-slept every night for nearly a week- which we are rather out of the habit of nowadays... and quality of sleep really suffered- and tempers accordingly!


  1. Hello - did you think you could sneak past? :)
    Welcome to the bloggy world, although you seem to have been here a wee while.
    I love the felted necklace, and the fish is so colourful. ope you are all feeling brighter soon. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
