Monday, 15 April 2013

Routine Family Life

 Crafty projects play a large part in our daily HE life- although pottery painting is not a common one to us- ratehr more a great highlight. FI did a plate with a landscape, SJ a bowl with a scene froma story and TP painted a money box train. Greatly enjoyed by all- except Mummy- who was at work.....
 Not a huge part of our lives but occasionally happens- the 'workbook'- FI is partcularly enjoying this one and wants to do a huge amount of pages per session. She is working on time telling at the moment and is starting to have the 'quarter to/past' bit sorted out and enjoys telling me the time at various intervals....
TPs crafty project- a sequin ball kit that he has been desperate to do for a while and we finally mad time this afternoon.
I had a rare two hours to myself this afternoon- M took the big ones cycling so I could do the task of putting away a lot of winter clothes - without eyes saying 'no mummy don't get rid of that dress (which barely skims my thighs anymore)- I like it.....'- as well as a few tatty bits which just needed to disappear. This then necessitated a small shopping trip as I realised that TP had NO pjgamas- how can a third child not have a single hand me down item put away- goodness knows what happened to whatever SJ had at this point??!

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