Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Back to basics- or generally run down...

 Everyone either knackered or slightly under the weather- after what feels like an awful lot of running around, mental angst (in some cases) and nasty coughs....so we decided to lock the doors, stock up on Vitamin C ...cue dusting off the jigsaws and everyone has moved up a stage
plus some shared making and team work..

Finding a little girl tucked up on her bedroom rug lying in the sunshine snoozing

Watching the Wizard of Oz snuggled under a family blanket.

And relief from having drawn a line under an aspect of our life- and stood to it and walked away from a scenario causing much angst ( I like that word tonight)- to a situation where we will be better appreciated.

Under the guise of HE we have discussed similes, logic problems and ethics- deontology today- wow! Sounds impressive put that way..

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

More routine family....

Of course that could be more routine family life....as in more of the same.....

Or equally more routine family as in even more everyday examples of the majority of our time...
 Imaginative play- currently cats and a dog- who is really a dragon???..... (gives excuse for lots of roaring- despite the fact that poor daddy is in bed on nights)
 Lego, lego, lego......except this is a scale model of my kitchen complete with polished black granit tops! The dirty mark (just about visible) represents the sticky food I havent yet got around to wiping up....true!
A St Georges day crafty kit

Monday, 15 April 2013

Routine Family Life

 Crafty projects play a large part in our daily HE life- although pottery painting is not a common one to us- ratehr more a great highlight. FI did a plate with a landscape, SJ a bowl with a scene froma story and TP painted a money box train. Greatly enjoyed by all- except Mummy- who was at work.....
 Not a huge part of our lives but occasionally happens- the 'workbook'- FI is partcularly enjoying this one and wants to do a huge amount of pages per session. She is working on time telling at the moment and is starting to have the 'quarter to/past' bit sorted out and enjoys telling me the time at various intervals....
TPs crafty project- a sequin ball kit that he has been desperate to do for a while and we finally mad time this afternoon.
I had a rare two hours to myself this afternoon- M took the big ones cycling so I could do the task of putting away a lot of winter clothes - without eyes saying 'no mummy don't get rid of that dress (which barely skims my thighs anymore)- I like it.....'- as well as a few tatty bits which just needed to disappear. This then necessitated a small shopping trip as I realised that TP had NO pjgamas- how can a third child not have a single hand me down item put away- goodness knows what happened to whatever SJ had at this point??!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Easter Holidays

We celebrated Easter by being crafty this year, easter figures and chicks with soft fluffy feather, an Easter week mobile and lots of story reading re events. Was planning to try and cover the Passover but that one ended up passing us by....
Next comes St Georges day- and a few crafty kits for that one too.

Trying to make the most of the glorious weather and celebrate being outside and moving again. Lots of garden chores- clearing and doing some hard landscaping, trying to nurse the lawn along and plan the new one on the front of the house. TP has managed his first bike ride without stabilisers- very proud mummy moment (wasnt there -but the joy of iPhones!).

Planning our spring break next month- popping to London for a few days (very handy having a brother with a large house in N1) including a very big HP treat!

Spent the day in York yesterday- visiting the Castle Museum (always a favourite), Cliffords Tower and Jorvik Viking centre- sparked an interest that I shall probably have to follow up on....

Still working our way through the Little House Books- now on By the Shores of Silver Lake- did some quizzes on the website and they were scoring 9-10 for all the books we have read so far (have missed out Farmer Boy- until we meet Almanzo)

Off to James and the Giant Peach tomorrow- TPs first non pantomime theatre- so just hoping he will manage to sit OK.....