Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Season

And the Harry Potter infatuation continues........with lego HippoGriffs, Pottermore and sorting (he is a Ravenclaw, I am a Hufflepuff!), basilisk Hama Beads and finally the books are OUT!! And he is reading them....I wonder how many children JK Rowling has set off down an independent reading trail-what a legacy!!
FI continues to make leaps and bounds with her reading and actually seeks out independent reading opportunities. She is also mastering the skill of time telling.
And on to TP-at times incredibly frustrating but actually a very intelligent little boy. Meticulous-possibly too much so, exacting with very high standards-poor boy-setting him up to be another perfectionist...

Beautiful little Treasure Map prepared by him-very obsessesed by action heros.......

And onto me.....woohoo I managed to scrape through-can't believe that I am more please at having scraped through this than I have been of any of the previously excellent results that I have always obtained.....and thus it makes the decision to move onto the next far easier... I also had the ceremonious pleasure of filing the textbook onto the shelf (I wouldn't allow myself the pleasure of doing that previously!!)

Saturday, 9 March 2013

A month of update....

 What a month.......

Where time has flown......

Firstly M has been off work- an implosion of overwork, stress, burnout whetever you want to call it- BL**DY goverment targets! + too many years in a huge regional speciality ED. Hence the discussions of what next- now needs to be the when......

Anyway- pinnygigs- as pictured above- also knowen as Occupational Therapy- cant beat a piggie shrieking whee whee at you!  Kids are besotted and it amazing how they have slotted straight back into our life style- after about 6 years without. Iona & Orkney- after last years Scoittish Odyssey.
Carrying on with our (loose) American West theme. We have made Teepee- as pictured, Charm neckalaces, had a go at Totems, talked about Thanksgiving. We have read a Pioneer factual book as well as reading Children on the Oregon Trail, Little House in Big Woods and Little House on the Praire- currently halfway through On the Banks of Plum Creek ...carrying on -after LH on the P- at their request. Lots of discussion re Native Americans and Settlement, also touching on Slavery. May go to Michael Morpugos Twist of Gold next..... although they arte also besotted by Harry Potter at the moment too.
Choosing items for FIs new bedroom- momentous occasion alert- no longer being able to talk about the Dormitory (always makes me think of Nanny McPhee). We spent a lovely day- she and me walking around choosing bits and talking about how it will work. Entirely surprised me with her curtain choice and the ability to be gently guided away from the totally pink/purple thing- seeing it as a gentle accesory thing and being able to change these as she grows
As mentioned Harry Potter and WANDS- as made by some HE friends- lots of shrieking 'Expelliarmus' at each other ( as well as the odd Avada Kedarvra!- siblings!). Have worked our way through the films and have promised the books when we have cleared some of our outstanding pile.

FI has made huge leaps with her reading- we have tried to do some daily and she, herself, has felt the difference.
SJ has met multiplication and has the concepts under his belt-just needs to do the memorising bit now.
TP is talking about writing and letters and is producing some beautiful drawings.

Finally manging to move some stuff on- few toys gifted and packed away onto loft for (scary) future concepts (grandkids!!!!!)- beautiful wooden toys anyway. Need to do a little of the same with some books too. Trying to do (and thus cycle through) some crafty bits as well as put way those we just dont want to attempt for a while yet.

My module finished and exam taken- not very hopeful but a waiting game now. Know where I went wrong. Trouble is I have to commit (or not) to the next before getting the results- in fact by this monday......

Have started a new Cross stitch but feel fraudulent as exam results outstanding and not sure whether to keep on revising for a resit......