Saturday, 15 February 2014

And January disappears

 I so need to get the blogging habit back! Not going on the PC often enough I guess (ipad too handy!!). Anyway Januray flew by and it looks like February will do the same.....
A Cub Scout ramble- very wet, windy and miserable but my Cub and Beaver found their Scouting spirit and got themselves around and enjoyed themselves as well!
 Finally bit the bullet and retried Ice Skating with TP (our local HE group goes monthly) and he likes it and is getting on well- even managed two full circuits - not touching the side or mummy whilst playing the air guitar and singing the James Bond theme to himself for some unexplainable reason....oh to be five again! Of course the older two, bless them, quietly got on with it and went off with their friends and had a grand time- so I think this will be a monthly commitment now.

Three window boxes made at Cubs as a DIY project then painted up at home according to interests - so we have seasons, blobs and aircraft!
Coming up we have HE Drama, HE Forest School, Cub Activity day and Sleepover and a CentreParcs trip and a secret HE PGL trip
And another arghhhh Masters module on evidence based practice........